Door to Door Transportation for Bridgewater, MA
On Demand, same day, convenient, and affordable public transit service available to eligible residents of Bridgewater MA
Whether you’re heading to your favorite store, restaurant, or doctor’s office -- Bridgewater Cares
Transit makes traveling fast and easy.
Simply tell us your pickup and drop off locations* and we’ll take care of the rest.
Available Monday- Friday from 8:30 AM - 5:30PM, Bridgewater Cares Transit is ready to become
your affordable on-demand travel service.
Download the Bridgewater Cares Transit App or call BCT Transportation Coordinators at
508-697-0929 and get started today!
Service Area Map

Bridgewater Cares Transit is a Fully accessible, on-demand transportation service administered and funded by the Town of Bridgewater, Bridgewater State University, and MassDOT. Please see the guidelines for ridership eligibility.
* Pick-up and Drop-off locations must be either in the town of Bridgewater or one of the define additional locations. $3 per trip.